


It has a high metaphysical aspect and is therefore one of the most used stones in shamanic rituals.

It is mined in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Africa, the United States, Western Australia, Afghanistan and Italy. It comes in many colors such as black, brown, green, pink, red, yellow and blue.

Tourmaline is a powerful purifier and offers protection during rituals by transforming intense energies into lighter vibrations. It balances all chakras and acts as a protective shield for the body. It cleanses the aura and dissipates negative energy. Eliminates negative energies in the soul.

It is very useful for mental health. It balances the communication between the two separate sides of the brain and eliminates negative thought patterns. It prevents victim psychology. By advocating feelings of inspiration, compassion and tolerance, it takes the person to his/her deeper self and enables him/her to understand both himself/herself and others. It eliminates fears. It is used in the treatment of paranoia. It reveals suspicions and their causes in difficult times. At the same time, it shows solutions to problems and indicates which direction is the right one to take.

This stone has a strong connection with the realm of healing. This is why natural tourmaline stones are used by shamans to heal many physical and spiritual illnesses. It is very useful in nature. It keeps insects away from plants and when buried in the soil, it ensures healthy growth of crops.

Red, Yellow and Brown Tourmaline - Useful for emotional problems that can interfere with sexuality and loss of libido. Balances the feminine-masculine energies in the body. In general, it strengthens the body resistance against conditions that weaken the immune system.

Absorbs electromagnetic fog and radiation. It makes the person feel comfortable in crowded environments. Protects from all kinds of negative energies such as spells and curses. Stimulates the root chakra, grounds the energy and gives physical vitality.

Blue Tourmaline - By affecting the throat chakra, it paves the way for spiritual freedom and clear self-expression. Supports psychic awareness.

Red Tourmaline - Supports love, elegance, creativity and extroversion. Helps to stabilize emotional states with sudden ups and downs. Stimulates and energizes the sacral chakra.

Green Tourmaline - Stimulates the heart chakra and protects heart health. Supports compassion, patience and feelings of belonging.

In general, all tourmalines support the immune system. Protects hand-eye coordination. Supports the spine. It relieves chronic sore throats. It is good for fatigue. Removes toxins from the body. Protects lung health. It activates blood circulation and liver functions.