


It removes limitations and allows the true self to emerge in an extremely powerful and fast way, without looking you in the eye. Because nothing can be hidden from Obsidian.

It comes in colors such as brown, black, blue, blue, green, red, silver and gold glitter and is mined all over the world.

It acts as a powerful guide to achieve spiritual maturity by eliminating all negative qualities that exist as destructive, limiting and debilitating. It facilitates the healing of all negative feelings and thoughts or traumas carried into the present by going back to past lives.

It is an extremely important aid for therapists and counselors, as it not only gets to the bottom of problems, but also creates a rapid energy discharge when confronting them. It contributes to knowing who you really are and helps you confront and integrate your shadow sides.

For some, it may be too strong and fast in its ability to reveal the truth. In such a case, you can choose black obsidian and face the truth in a softer way.

During the confrontation, it creates a protective shield and protects from all environmental negative energies. By creating a grounding cable descending from the root chakra to the center of the earth, it attracts negative energies in the environment and gives strength to the person. When placed on the navel chakra, it downloads spiritual energy into the body. When held briefly over the third eye, it breaks mental barriers and unleashes the power of prophecy.

Used by shamans to heal physical ailments, it is also used to perform astral journeys and psychic communication.

It eliminates confusion and encourages the search for the unknown. Balances kundalini energy.

It removes blockages in the body such as arteriosclerosis. Regulates the circulatory system. Cleanses from toxins. Good for joint problems. Improves night vision.