

Lapis Lazuli

It is one of the stones considered sacred in the Inca, Mayan and Egyptian civilizations.

Pharaohs and ancient priests were buried with lapis lazuli to guide and illuminate their path after death.

It has shades of blue with flecks of golden yellow. It is mined in Russia, Afghanistan, Chile, Italy, the United States, Egypt and the Middle East.

It is the key to spiritual development and enhances psychic abilities. It triggers guiding dreams. Recognizes and blocks negative energies and sends them back to their source. It makes you realize the power of every word that comes out of your mouth and reverses the discomfort of not being able to open up in the past.

It harmonizes body and soul, giving access to the knowledge of the inner self. Lapis lazuli gives courage to take responsibility for life. It supports self-awareness and enables self-expression without holding back. It opens the third eye and balances the throat chakra. It eliminates the troubles that repressed anger causes in the throat and in communication. Instills feelings of honesty and compassion.

Eliminates pain, especially migraines. Overcomes depression. Good for respiratory and nervous systems. Useful for insomnia and dizziness.