


In Chinese culture, it is used to internalize 'Qi', the life energy. It is also believed to facilitate the transition of the dead to the afterlife.

Mined in Brazil, this stone comes in blue, white, pink, green, gray and black.

It aligns all the chakras and grounds the body after meditation.

Kyanite is a stone of harmony. It prioritizes logical thinking and places the cause and effect relationship in this framework. Thus, it puts an end to explaining negative situations with negative contexts such as 'this is my fate'.

It eliminates confusion, dissipates anger, frustration and stress.

Enhances psychic abilities and intuition, enabling connection with higher spiritual vibrations. It makes it easier to remember dreams and helps to have guiding dreams.

It is good for muscle disorders and kidneys. It lowers blood pressure. It is a natural painkiller. Strengthens the voice and protects the health of the throat.