


A powerful tranquilizer, it is one of the first stones that comes to mind for anger management.

It is mined in the United States. It is available in shades of white, green and blue, but colors other than white are usually artificially colored.

It teaches patience and eliminates uncontrolled irritability. In insomnia caused by an overworked mind, it provides a comfortable sleep when placed under the pillow about an hour before bedtime.

Prepares the mind for wisdom and insight during meditation. Focusing on a piece of havlite stone opens the door to different realms. It facilitates the transition to astral dimensions and journeys to past lives.

It controls your anger while at the same time absorbing anger directed at you that belongs to others. It strengthens positive character traits, allowing you to be open to criticism and overcome selfish behavior.

Strengthens teeth, bones and soft tissues by balancing the body's calcium levels.